Rescuing Kraken: The Urgent Need for Wolfdog Sanctuaries and the Dangers of Backyard Breeding

Rescuing Kraken: The Urgent Need for Wolfdog Sanctuaries and the Dangers of Backyard Breeding

One year ago today, Kraken took her rescue ride to Black Moon Wolfdog Sanctuary. Her journey from a precarious existence to a safe haven highlights the growing need for wolfdog rescue and the harsh realities these animals face. Kraken’s story is a testament to why sanctuaries like ours exist—to offer safety, love, and a future to wolfdogs like her who might otherwise meet a tragic end.

The Crisis of Wolfdogs in Need

Kraken is one of many wolfdogs who fall into peril because of irresponsible backyard breeding, late-stage capitalism, and a socio-political climate fueled by wolf-hating hunters and ranchers. Sold to people who often don't understand the commitment and care a wolfdog requires, many end up abandoned when they become too much to handle. For Kraken, her breeder’s financial collapse meant her fate was sealed.

After losing their home, Kraken’s breeder was forced to surrender her to a shelter. Left alone, unspayed, and terrified, Kraken waited on a cold concrete floor in a 6x10 cell for months—an eternity for an animal meant to roam freely.

Wolfdogs, classified as neither fully domestic dogs nor pure wolves, are in legal limbo. They cannot be adopted out from shelters and face immediate risk of euthanasia. As more wolfdogs end up in shelters, their only chance at survival is a sanctuary willing to take them in. But the sad truth is that most sanctuaries, like Black Moon, are bursting at the seams, financially strained, and often beyond capacity. Kraken’s case was no exception—despite wolfdog community efforts to help find her a home, three months passed with no available rescues able to step up for her. Her life was hanging by a thread, and the shelter was running out of space. Every day, the possibility of her being euthanized grew more likely.

A Miracle in the Making

The day Kraken’s time was set to run out, I received a desperate post from a fellow rescuer asking our community for an emergency rescue. Despite my own health crisis at the time—suffering from hyperparathyroidism and waiting for life-saving surgery—I knew we couldn’t let Kraken die. In a panic, I called the shelter repeatedly, hoping beyond hope that I wasn’t too late. Then, a glimmer of hope came through: a kind-hearted volunteer named Emily had received my message just in time. She had been caring for Kraken and shared my belief that her life was worth saving. Together, we scrambled to arrange Kraken’s rescue ride.

With my husband, Jackson, and I running Black Moon entirely on our own, I wasn’t physically capable of making the long journey. But Emily, committed to seeing Kraken safe, volunteered to drive her across Washington state to meet Jackson 2 hours south of Black Moon, in Spokane. It was a moment of triumph for all of us when Kraken finally arrived at Black Moon, safe from the shelter where she had once faced certain death.

Healing and Transformation at Black Moon

When Kraken arrived at our sanctuary, she was scared, skittish, and clearly traumatized. Having lived through uncertainty and abandonment, her trust in humans—especially men—was shattered. But I could hear her. As a psychic animal communicator, I was able to offer her a sense of safety from the very first day, and Kraken quickly began to warm up to me. The peaceful environment at Black Moon gave her the space she needed to heal and grow.

Over the past year, Kraken has blossomed into the vibrant, goofy girl we know today. Her confidence has soared, and she has found friendship in her pack mates, especially Finn, and the now dearly missed Ahsoka and Ebony. She's discovered a love for car rides and daily indoor snuggles with Jackson, who, after months of patience, earned her trust. Kraken even learned how to howl from the pack, a nightly ritual that’s become a symbol of her newfound voice.

Despite the immense progress, Kraken’s journey is far from over. We’re still working to raise the funds to get her spayed, and we dream of building her a larger, full-sized containment where she and Finn can live happily ever after. These are the challenges we face every day at Black Moon—providing not just a home, but the specialized care that wolfdogs like Kraken deserve.

The Perils Wolfdogs Face Today

Kraken’s story is one example of the countless wolfdogs abandoned by breeders, surrendered by overwhelmed owners, or illegally kept in places where their very existence is outlawed. These animals fall through the cracks, stuck in the cycle of rehoming, shelters, and, all too often, euthanasia. Without rescue organizations and sanctuaries, their chances for survival dwindle to nothing.

Unfortunately, the worsening economy has only made things harder. Breeders continue to sell wolfdogs for profit, knowing full well that their buyers may be unprepared for the reality of living with a wolfdog. And as rescues and sanctuaries reach their limits, the growing need for safe places for these animals far outpaces the resources available. Shelters aren’t equipped to handle them, and legal restrictions prevent wolfdogs from being adopted out like regular dogs. Instead, they’re marked with a “red tag” for rescue—or death.

Kraken’s story could have ended tragically like so many others. But through determination, teamwork, and love, we gave her a second chance.

A Call to Action: Help Us Save More Wolfdogs Like Kraken

Kraken’s journey from a cold shelter cell to the warm embrace of her pack at Black Moon is a story of hope. But for every Kraken we save, there are countless others still waiting for their miracle. Wolfdog sanctuaries like Black Moon need your help now more than ever.

How you can help:

  • Donate: The most impactful way to support our mission is by committing to a monthly recurring donation on our Paypal donation page or subscribing to any tier on our Patreon.
  • Spread the Word: Share Kraken’s story with your friends and family. The more people who know about the unique challenges wolfdogs face, the more we can work together to save them.
  • Follow and Support: Whether it’s through purchasing items from our shop, subscribing to our Patreon, or sharing our posts on social media, every little bit helps us continue our work. View our link page here.

Kraken’s story is one of survival, love, and the unwavering belief that every wolfdog deserves a chance. With your help, we can ensure that more wolfdogs find safety and happiness, just like Kraken did. ♡

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