Uranus Retrograde 2024 Guide: Embracing Change and Envisioning a New World

Uranus Retrograde 2024 Guide: Embracing Change and Envisioning a New World

As an evolutionary astrologer, I’m here to help you decode the cosmic language of the stars and planets, offering insight into how these celestial movements impact our lives as well as the evolution of the collective soul. The Uranus Retrograde of 2024, spanning from September 1st, 2024, to January 30th, 2025, is a significant event that invites us to delve deep into the unexpected and transformative energies that Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, brings into our lives.

This retrograde occurs in the sign of Taurus, urging us to reassess our values, resources, and our relationship with the material world. Amidst the unsustainable capitalist-colonial model that is modern society, plot twists and mounting pressure may become explosive, creating unexpected catalysts for personal and collective change. Reminding us that there is never a convenient moment to change the status quo or revolutionize.

The Nature of Uranus: The Great Awakener

Uranus, often referred to as "The Great Awakener," is a planet associated with sudden changes, rebellion, and innovation. Its energy disrupts the droll march of status quo, pushing us toward new ways of thinking and being. Uranus transits are lengthy, lasting about seven years in each sign, and their influence is often felt on a collective level, instigating societal shifts and technological advancements.

When Uranus is direct, its energy is outward, pushing us to make changes in our external world. However, during Uranus retrograde, this energy turns inward, prompting us to reflect on the changes we need to make within ourselves. This retrograde period is a time of internal revolution, where we are asked to question our own beliefs, patterns, and structures. Awakening us to our role in the next chapter in these revolutionary times.


Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Rethinking Our Values

In 2024, Uranus continues its retrograde journey in the earthy and fixed sign of Taurus, where it has been since 2018. Between May 2018 and April 2026, Uranus will transit through the sign of Taurus. Taurus, ruled by Venus, governs our values, finances, and relationship with the material world. With Uranus retrograde in this sign, we are invited to reassess our financial stability, our connection to the earth, and our sense of security. Think back to what related shifts were occurring for you and society from May 2018 until now, and where that journey is taking you on this next retrograde leg. This is a time to question what we truly value, what's no longer serving us, and rebel to make changes that align with our evolving beliefs.

This retrograde is a powerful opportunity to break free from outdated financial habits, embrace more sustainable ways of living, and redefine what security means to us during "the end times".

The world has vastly changed since May 2018; world events shifting moral beliefs globally, inciting social uprisings, advancements in AI technology, and especially where economic downturn and corporate fabricated inflation are concerned, pushing us further into the perils of late-stage capitalism. Forcing us all to ask "where do we go from here?", and reimagine what is possible from an awakened perspective.

The urge to innovate within these areas will be strong, but the retrograde asks us to move forward with caution, ensuring that any changes we make are grounded, thoughtful, and serve the greater good of all.

Key Aspects During Uranus Retrograde 2024

As Uranus moves retrograde, it forms several significant aspects with other planets, each adding a layer of meaning to this cosmic event:

  • Uranus Sextile Neptune: This aspect invites us to dream big and envision new possibilities for the future. It's a time of heightened intuition and spiritual awareness, where the boundaries between the material and spiritual worlds become blurred. This aspect encourages us to tap into our creativity and use it as a tool for transformation.

  • Uranus Trine Pluto: Uranus trine Pluto is a powerful aspect that supports deep, transformative change. This is a time to embrace our personal power and make necessary changes in our lives, especially in areas where we have felt stuck or powerless. This aspect can help us release old patterns and embrace new ways of being that are more aligned with our true selves.

  • Venus, Mercury, and the Moon Square Uranus: These squares indicate moments of tension and disruption in our relationships, communication, and emotional world. We may experience unexpected challenges or surprises in these areas, forcing us to adapt and find new ways of relating. However, these challenges also offer opportunities for growth and transformation, pushing us to let go of what no longer serves us.


Historical Significance of Uranus Retrograde

Uranus retrogrades have historically been times of significant societal shifts and breakthroughs. For instance, during the Uranus retrograde of 1789, the French Revolution was in full swing, bringing radical changes to the social and political landscape of France. Similarly, the Uranus retrograde of 1969 saw the Stonewall Riots in New York City, marking a pivotal moment in the LGBTQ+ rights movement.

These historical examples remind us that Uranus retrograde periods are often marked by upheaval and rebellion against oppressive structures.

Destruction is often part of the creation process, and thusly, rebellion, resistance and abolition are part of the liberation process. 

Uranus retrograde periods are times when the collective consciousness shifts, and new ideas and movements emerge to challenge the status quo.

Horoscopes for Uranus Retrograde 2024

Here’s how Uranus Retrograde 2024 in Taurus may affect each zodiac sign, whether you’re looking at your Sun or Rising sign. I suggest checking both:

  • Aries: Expect shifts in your financial world. Reassess your values and take a deeper look at your relationship with money and resources. This is a time to innovate your approach to earning and saving.

  • Taurus: Uranus is in your sign, making this retrograde especially powerful for you. Personal transformation is on the horizon. Embrace changes in your identity and how you present yourself to the world.

  • Gemini: This retrograde urges you to explore your subconscious patterns and beliefs. It’s a time for deep reflection and releasing old mental habits that no longer serve you.

  • Cancer: Your social circles and long-term goals are under review. This is a great time to reassess your friendships and group affiliations, ensuring they align with your evolving values.

  • Leo: Uranus retrograde impacts your career and public life. You may feel the need to break free from professional restrictions or outdated roles. Consider how you can innovate your approach to your work.

  • Virgo: Expect changes in your belief system or a desire to expand your horizons. This retrograde may push you to explore new philosophies or ways of thinking that challenge your current worldview.

  • Libra: Financial matters, especially those related to shared resources, will be a focus. This is a time to reassess investments, debts, or any financial entanglements with others.

  • Scorpio: Your relationships are in the spotlight. This retrograde encourages you to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns and to embrace more authentic connections.

  • Sagittarius: Changes in your daily routines or health habits are likely. This is a great time to innovate your approach to wellness or to find new ways to organize your daily life.

  • Capricorn: Your creative projects or relationships with children may undergo a transformation. This retrograde encourages you to express yourself more authentically and to embrace new forms of creativity.

  • Aquarius: Home and family matters are highlighted. You may feel the need to make changes in your living situation or to reassess your relationship with your family or roots.

  • Pisces: Expect shifts in how you communicate and interact with your immediate environment. This is a great time to explore new ways of sharing your ideas and to embrace innovative forms of self-expression.

Astrological Advice: Do's and Don'ts During Uranus Retrograde


  1. Embrace Change: Uranus retrograde is all about unexpected shifts. Embrace the changes that come your way, even if they disrupt your routine. This is a time for growth and evolution, so be open to new experiences and perspectives.

  2. Reevaluate Your Goals: Reflect on where you’re headed and whether your current path aligns with your true desires. Uranus retrograde offers a chance to reassess and make adjustments to your long-term goals.

  3. Innovate and Experiment: If you’ve been thinking about trying something unconventional, now is the time. Whether it’s a new approach to work, relationships, or personal projects, let Uranus guide you toward innovation and creativity.

  4. Revisit Old Projects: Use this retrograde period to revisit and refine past projects or ideas that you may have put on hold. You might find new insights that help you bring them to life in a fresh way.

  5. Stay Flexible: Unexpected events may arise, and it's crucial to remain adaptable. Flexibility will help you navigate the surprises Uranus retrograde might bring.


  1. Resist Change: Holding onto the old ways and resisting the winds of change will only make this retrograde more challenging. Let go of rigidity and allow the universe to guide you to new opportunities.

  2. Make Hasty Decisions: Uranus retrograde can create a sense of urgency, but it’s important not to act impulsively. Take time to think through decisions, especially those involving major life changes.

  3. Ignore Technological Issues: Uranus rules technology, and during its retrograde, tech glitches may become more common. Don’t ignore small issues; address them promptly to avoid bigger problems later.

  4. Avoid Confronting Personal Freedom: If you’ve been feeling stifled or restricted, this retrograde may bring those feelings to the surface. Don’t avoid confronting areas where you need more freedom or autonomy.

  5. Overlook the Bigger Picture: While Uranus retrograde focuses on sudden changes and personal freedom, it’s important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Keep your long-term goals in mind as you navigate this period.

Embrace the Unexpected

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus invites us to embrace the unexpected and to view change as an opportunity for growth. By understanding the cosmic forces at play, we can navigate these transformative times with greater awareness and intention. Whether you're reassessing your values, breaking free from old patterns, or embracing new ways of being, this retrograde offers a chance to align more closely with your true self and the evolving world around you.

For a deeper dive into how Uranus Retrograde will personally impact you, consider booking a personalized astrology reading. This is a powerful time to gain clarity and insight into the changes ahead, and how you can navigate them with confidence and grace.

Embracing Radical Change: Uranus Retrograde as a Call to Revolution

Uranus Retrograde is not just a period of personal transformation—it's a cosmic call to arms for those who yearn for justice, equality, and a better world. Uranus, the planet of rebellion and innovation, challenges us to break free from the chains of outdated systems, oppressive structures, and the unsustainable status quo. This retrograde invites you to embrace radical change, not just within yourself, but in the world around you.

Move with the Uranus Retrograde: This is a time to lean into the discomfort of change and trust that the chaos it brings is a necessary precursor to growth. When the world seems to shift beneath your feet, don't cling to old ways out of fear. Instead, let go, adapt, and allow yourself to be swept along by the winds of transformation. Change is inevitable; how we respond to it is what defines us.

Align with Humanitarianism: Uranus is the planet of collective consciousness, urging us to think beyond ourselves (Western hyper-individualism) and align our actions with the greater good (Indigenous interdependent coexistence). During this retrograde, examine how your choices and lifestyle contribute to the well-being of others. Are you supporting systems that uplift, or are you complicit in structures that oppress? This is your opportunity to reassess and realign, to become a beacon of hope and solidarity in a world that desperately needs both. It's time to be the change, not just learn or talk about it.

Rebel Against Oppressive Systems: Uranus Retrograde fuels the fire of rebellion. Now is the time to challenge authority, question norms, and stand up against systems that perpetuate injustice. Whether it’s through activism, community organizing, or simply living your truth, your resistance is vital. Imagine a world beyond our existing barriers, try to see how you can help connect the dots from what has been to what could become reality. Remember that every act of defiance, no matter how small, chips away at the foundations of oppression. Your voice matters, and this retrograde is your time to use it. Pull at the threads from your corner of this interwoven imperial tapestry.

Leading the Way to Sustainability: As the world faces the pressing issues of environmental degradation and climate change, Uranus Retrograde empowers us to lead the charge toward sustainability. This is a time to revolutionize how we relate to and interact with the planet, to innovate and advocate for practices that protect and restore the Earth. Shifting away from the colonial indoctrination that the material world is resources to be exploited, to re-Indigenizing our remembering that the material world is our heirloom inheritance. From supporting sustainable businesses to divesting in wealthy corporations, moguls and celebrities with a huge carbon footprint, your actions during this retrograde can have a ripple effect that contributes to a more sustainable future for all.

Envision a New World: Uranus Retrograde is also a time for visioning—a time to dream up a new world, one that is built on principles of equity, justice, and love. Allow yourself to imagine the impossible, to see beyond the limitations of the present. What would a world without oppression, exploitation, and inequality look like? How can you contribute to making that world a reality? This retrograde encourages you to hold onto these visions and work diligently to bring them to life.

Embrace Your Inner Revolutionary: Let Uranus Retrograde awaken the revolutionary within you. It’s time to step into your power, to recognize that you are an agent of change. That's why you are here at this intersection of time and space. The old world is crumbling, and a new one is waiting to be born—through your actions, your choices, and your unwavering commitment to justice. This is not just an astrological transit; it’s a call to revolution. Answer it.

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