2024's Final Eclipse Season: Lunar & Solar Eclipses Astrological Guide

2024's Final Eclipse Season: Lunar & Solar Eclipses Astrological Guide

The year 2024 brings us powerful eclipses that mark significant astrological turning points. On September 18, 2024, we experience a Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, followed by an Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024, in Libra. These last two eclipses of the year complete the transformational journey that began earlier this year with the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on March 25, 2024, and the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 (often referred to as the Great North American Eclipse). Together, they weave a tapestry of change, pushing us toward new levels of growth, healing, and self-realization.

Understanding the 2024 Eclipse Cycle: From Initiation to Completion

The eclipse cycle began in March with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra, setting the stage for deeper reflection on relationships, balance, and inner harmony. Following that, April’s Total Solar Eclipse in Aries initiated powerful new beginnings, especially around personal identity, self-expression, and leadership.

The first 2 eclipses of 2024 combined created a portal in which we were ushered to end toxic codependency, self-betrayals for others, non-reciprocal or no longer aligned relationships, and forge new beginnings in our self-determination and self-validation instead.

As we reach the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18, in Pisces, this is a moment of culmination, emotional release, and spiritual awakening. This lunar eclipse invites us to release old illusions and make space for the new truths that have surfaced since the eclipse portal opened. What old illusions, you ask? Any outdated self-limiting beliefs or illusions of limitation. Read: You're far more capable and self-sustaining than you once perhaps believed. Stop telling yourself otherwise.

By the time we arrive at the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, the lessons of relationships, partnerships, and finding harmony within ourselves and with others will take center stage. Libra’s energy encourages diplomacy, peace, and alignment with justice. The Solar Eclipse is a time to plant the seeds of new beginnings, inspired by the awareness and clarity that emerged through this eclipse season.

Synergizing the Eclipse Portal's Astrological Journey

In 2024, each eclipse serves as a chapter in an evolving story of transformation. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in March initiated us to let go of what no longer serves our partnerships. The Total Solar Eclipse in April helped us reimagine our identity and personal power, or see yourself more clearly. Now, as we approach September and October, the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra create the last half of an eclipse portal “cosmic sentence,” asking us to release emotional baggage and recalibrate our relationships to self and others.

These 2024 eclipses wrap up a year of major transformation and evolution, creating a bridge between who we were and who we are becoming.

Depending on your natal placements, the beginning of 2024's eclipses may have rocked your world. They certainly rocked mine (Aries stellium & North Node, Libra rising). Those of us with significant Aries/Libra placements likely got shaken to our core early 2024. But don't worry, the latter half of the eclipse portal is a re-building phase after all the destruction and swift endings from the former half.


Practical Witch Tips & Spiritual Wellness Practices

To prepare for these eclipses and align yourself with their energy, here are some tips and practices to incorporate into your spiritual practice:

  1. Journal & Reflect: Write down what themes have emerged for you since March and April. Are there old emotional patterns that you need to release? How have your relationships evolved?

  2. Moon Rituals: During the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18, set up a release ritual under the Pisces moon. Light a blue candle for healing or surrender, and meditate on what you need to let go of emotionally.

  3. Balance Rituals: For the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, focus on bringing balance into your life. Perform a spell for harmony using rainbow, pink or white candles, rose petals, and essential oils like lavender or sandalwood.

  4. Water Cleansing: As Pisces rules water, consider a spiritual bath, foot soak or ritual by a body of water to cleanse your energy leading up to the Partial Lunar Eclipse. Infuse the bath with (optional) rose water, ritual bath salts, or jasmine.

  5. Partnership Altar: Libra energy invites connection and partnership. Create an altar honoring your most cherished relationships, using symbols of balance like crystals (rose quartz or clear quartz), feathers for softness, and harmonious symbols like hearts, infinity or yin-yang.


Zodiac Sign Horoscopes for the last 2024 Eclipses

♈️ Aries (Sun & Rising)

Expect shifts in your relationships. The Libra Solar Eclipse calls for you to focus on balance in partnerships. Ritual Tip: Light a pink candle to invite harmony.

♉️ Taurus (Sun & Rising)

Career matters come to the forefront. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse highlights your spiritual growth, while the Libra Solar Eclipse shifts work dynamics. Ritual Tip: Write intentions for your career under the Solar Eclipse.

♊️ Gemini (Sun & Rising)

Prepare for changes in your belief systems and learning. The Pisces Eclipse may deepen your spiritual journey. Ritual Tip: Meditate on opening your third eye.

♋️ Cancer (Sun & Rising)

Eclipses bring transformation in shared resources and intimacy. The Pisces Eclipse helps release emotional baggage. Ritual Tip: Create a water ritual to cleanse emotions.

♌️ Leo (Sun & Rising)

Partnerships are the main theme. The Libra Solar Eclipse invites new beginnings in relationships. Ritual Tip: Set up a harmony altar with rose quartz and pink candles.

♍️ Virgo (Sun & Rising)

Your daily routine and health are impacted by these eclipses. Release what no longer works and set new intentions. Ritual Tip: Clear your space with sage.

♎️ Libra (Sun & Rising)

This is a pivotal time for self-growth and relationships. The Annular Solar Eclipse in your sign brings powerful new beginnings. Ritual Tip: Write self-affirmations under the Solar Eclipse.

♏️ Scorpio (Sun & Rising)

Focus on emotional healing and your subconscious. The Pisces Eclipse invites deep inner work. Ritual Tip: Journal about emotional release.

♐️ Sagittarius (Sun & Rising)

Your social circles and dreams are in focus. New partnerships may emerge. Ritual Tip: Perform a candle spell for manifesting new allies.

♑️ Capricorn (Sun & Rising)

Career shifts and life direction are highlighted. The Libra Solar Eclipse may bring opportunities for leadership. Ritual Tip: Write intentions for professional growth.

♒️ Aquarius (Sun & Rising)

The eclipses ignite a focus on expansion and spirituality. Open yourself to new learning opportunities. Ritual Tip: Meditate with amethyst to deepen spiritual awareness.

♓️ Pisces (Sun & Rising)

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse signals a time of emotional release and self-awareness. Embrace spiritual transformation. Ritual Tip: Perform a water cleansing ritual for emotional healing.

Ready to dive deeper into your personal eclipse journey? Book an astrology reading with Metztli to explore how these transformative eclipses are shaping your life. For a limited time, get a 1-hour video session and a psychic + astrology reading for just $99! Book here.

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1. "How will the 2024 eclipses affect my life?"

Insight: Eclipses are potent times of change, often bringing both sudden shifts and long-term transformation. The impact depends on your personal natal chart, particularly the house and sign placements where the eclipse falls. For example:

  • The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (September 18) will likely impact your emotional and spiritual life, stirring deep realizations and calling for release.
  • The Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra (October 2) will focus on relationships, justice, and balance, signaling new beginnings in partnerships and collaboration.

Practical Advice: Use this time to journal about recurring themes that have been showing up since the earlier eclipses in March and April. Notice patterns in your relationships, career, and inner life. These eclipses may push you to confront hidden truths or to step into new dynamics with greater clarity.

2. "Why do eclipses feel so intense?"

Insight: Eclipses tend to magnify energy and reveal things that were previously hidden. This heightened intensity can feel overwhelming, particularly when it comes to emotions, relationships, and major life changes. Many people feel like they're being pushed to let go of old ways of being that are no longer serving them.

Practical Advice: Ground yourself during the eclipse season by spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in grounding rituals. Use tools like crystals (black tourmaline or smoky quartz) and breathwork to stay centered during moments of uncertainty. Remember, this intensity is a catalyst for growth, not something to fear.

3. "How do I prepare for eclipse season?"

Insight: Eclipses can shake things up, often closing one chapter and opening another. Preparation can help you navigate these changes with greater ease. The key is to flow with the cosmic energy rather than resist it.

Practical Advice:

  • Set Intentions: Before each eclipse, reflect on what you want to release (Pisces Lunar Eclipse) and what you wish to manifest (Libra Solar Eclipse).
  • Create Space for New Beginnings: Declutter your physical space and cleanse your energy using smoke cleansing, sound healing, or ritual baths.
  • Avoid Making Major Decisions: During the heightened energy of eclipses, it’s wise to avoid making impulsive decisions. Instead, use this time for reflection, trusting that clarity will come post-eclipse.

4. "Why am I feeling anxious or unsettled?"

Insight: Eclipses stir up deep emotions and unresolved issues, which can cause anxiety or discomfort. It's common to feel unsettled as things are brought to the surface that we may have been avoiding.

Practical Advice: Embrace self-care practices to ease any anxiety. Try breathwork, guided meditations, or gentle movement like yoga. Remember, the uneasiness you feel is temporary, and it's often a sign that something within you is shifting. Stay open to the lessons these eclipses are trying to teach.

5. "What should I focus on during the 2024 eclipse season?"

Insight: Each eclipse carries its own message. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse is about emotional release and spiritual awakening, while the Libra Solar Eclipse encourages balance, justice, and harmony in relationships.

Practical Advice:

  • Focus on Healing: During the Pisces eclipse, engage in emotional healing rituals such as journaling, therapy, or energy work.
  • Prioritize Balance: With the Libra Solar Eclipse, focus on creating harmony in your relationships, setting boundaries where needed, and nurturing partnerships that align with your values.

6. "I feel overwhelmed by the changes happening in my life."

Insight: It’s common to feel overwhelmed during eclipses as they tend to accelerate the process of change. This can feel like too much at once, especially if you're facing big transitions in your personal or professional life.

Practical Advice: Break things down into manageable steps. Focus on one area of life or one step at a time. You don't have to figure it all out right away. Trust that the cosmic energy is working in your favor, even if it feels chaotic at the moment. Practice mindfulness techniques like deep breathing, journaling, and connecting with your support system.

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