The Origins of Friday the 13th: Celebrating the Sacred Feminine - Revolutionary Mystic

Friday the 13th: Celebrating the Sacred Feminine

Friday the 13th, a date often associated with superstitions and fears, holds a unique history rooted in the celebration of the sacred feminine. This blog post delves into the origins of this enigmatic day, dispels the myths surrounding it, and explores the deep connection between Friday the 13th and the powerful, divine feminine energy.

The Number 13: A Feminine Symbol

The number 13, considered unlucky by some, has a rich and ancient history closely tied to the lunar calendar. The lunar calendar consists of 13 moon cycles each year, with each moon cycle representing the natural menstrual cycle of the divine feminine. This association with the moon and the menstrual cycle celebrates the innate connection between women, the moon, and the mysteries of life and creation.
Good luck horseshoe with lucky number 13 in a traditional tattoo style logo

Friday: The Day of the Goddess

Friday derives its name from the Norse goddess Frigg (or Freyja in the Germanic tradition). Freyja was revered as the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and sensuality. She embodies the sacred feminine in her various forms, and Friday was dedicated to her worship. Many cultures, including the Romans who associated it with Venus, regarded Friday as a day to honor goddesses and the feminine aspects of divinity. Astrologically, Venus also governs things like love and material possessions and pleasures. Hence the cultural association with love, "It's Friday, I'm in Love", as well as why payday falls on Friday for many people.

The 13 Moons calendar

Also known as the 'Matriarchal Lunar Calendar,' brings another fascinating facet to the celebration of Friday the 13th. This ancient calendar, followed by various indigenous cultures worldwide, emphasizes the sacred connection between the lunar phases and the mysteries of the feminine. It recognizes the lunar cycle's 13 segments, each corresponding to a menstrual cycle, highlighting the deep-rooted link between women, vulva bearing people, the moon, and its 28-day cycle. This perspective adds depth to the understanding of Friday the 13th as a day to honor the sacred feminine and the harmonious dance between women, menstruation, the womb, the moon, and the cycles of life.

Conveniently, under colonization the 13th month was removed from the calendar. Contributing to erasure of matriarchal belief systems, and genocide of indigenous tribes across Turtle Island (the so-called United States of America).

13 moons calendar showing the name of each moon fitting on the shell of a turtle

The Stigmatization of Friday the 13th

Historically, Friday the 13th held no negative connotations. In fact, it was a day to celebrate and embrace the divine feminine. However, the stigmatization of this day can be traced back to the Middle Ages when patriarchal forces sought to suppress feminine power and spirituality. They vilified the number 13 and its association with lunar cycles as a way to diminish the influence of the sacred feminine.

Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine

In recent years, many people have sought to reclaim the sacred feminine and the positive symbolism of Friday the 13th. They recognize that the demonization of this day was an attempt to control and undermine the inherent strength of women and femmes. Modern celebrations of Friday the 13th focus on empowering the sacred feminine, embracing its connection to the lunar cycles, and honoring goddesses like Oshun, Freyja, Mami Wata, and Yemaya.


Celebrating the Divine Feminine on Friday the 13th

Many individuals now see Friday the 13th as an opportunity to reconnect with the divine feminine, celebrate femininity in all its forms, and honor the cycles of nature. Rituals, gatherings, and ceremonies on this day often involve meditation, dance, and various forms of self-expression that acknowledge the nurturing, creative, and intuitive energies associated with the sacred feminine. 

Here are a few short rituals to honor the divine feminine on Friday the 13th:

1. Moon Gazing: Spend some time under the moonlight, preferably on a clear night. Contemplate the moon's beauty and its connection to the feminine energy. Reflect on the cycles of life and the divine feminine's presence in all its phases.

2. Altar Offering: Create a small altar dedicated to the divine feminine. Place offerings like flowers, candles, or symbols representing femme deities such as Venus, Isis, or Gaia. Light a candle and say a few words of gratitude.

3. Journaling: Take a moment for introspection. Write in a journal about your connection to the divine feminine. Share your thoughts, feelings, and any experiences related to feminine energy. This can be a powerful way to acknowledge and appreciate this aspect of spirituality.

4. Water Ritual: Water is often associated with the divine feminine. Take a bath or simply splash some water on your face. As you do, visualize any emotional or spiritual impurities being washed away, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed.

5. Meditation: Practice a short meditation focused on the divine feminine. Visualize the qualities and attributes associated with this energy – nurturing, intuition, and creativity. Allow these qualities to flow through you.

6. Artistic Expression: Engage in a creative activity that resonates with the feminine. This could be drawing, painting, dancing, or singing. Vision boards are also great for this. Let your inner creativity flow freely.

7. Sharing and Connection: Gather with friends, family matriarchs, or like-minded individuals, either in person or virtually, to discuss and honor the divine feminine. Share stories, experiences, and thoughts on its importance in your life.

Remember that these rituals can be adapted to your personal beliefs and preferences. The key is to express gratitude, reverence, and awareness of the divine feminine on this special day.

Debunking the Black Cat Myth: Embracing Symbols of Magic

One of the most enduring myths associated with Friday the 13th is the belief that black cats bring bad luck. This superstition has unfairly stigmatized these beautiful felines for centuries. In reality, black cats, like any other cats, are revered in various cultures for their mystical qualities. In ancient Egypt, they were considered sacred, symbolizing protection and good fortune. In Celtic folklore, black cats were associated with the otherworldly and were seen as magical beings. Rather than being harbingers of misfortune, black cats are symbols of mystery and magic. Debunking this myth is not only essential for the reputation of these graceful creatures but also for dispelling unfounded superstitions surrounding Friday the 13th. By embracing black cats on this day, we can honor the true essence of magic and mystery that should be celebrated rather than feared.

Unlocking the Numerology of 13: A Symbol of Transformation

The number 13 holds a profound significance in numerology, far removed from its reputation as an omen of misfortune. It is often seen as a symbol of transformation, rebirth, and evolution. The digits 1 and 3 come together to form 13, with the number 1 representing new beginnings and leadership, while 3 symbolizes creativity, self-expression, and joy. When combined, they create a powerful energy that encourages us to embrace change, let go of what no longer serves us, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. In essence, the number 13 reminds us that transformation is a vital part of life, much like the changing seasons or the cycles of the moon. So, rather than being a harbinger of doom, it invites us to see Friday the 13th as a day of potential, personal growth, and embracing the unknown.

Friday the 13th, once misunderstood and stigmatized, is now being celebrated as a day to honor the sacred feminine and its deep connection to lunar cycles, life, and creation. By embracing the divine feminine on this day, we can rekindle the ancient wisdom that was suppressed for centuries and create a more balanced and harmonious world where both masculine and feminine energies, and everything in between or outside of the binary, are celebrated and revered.

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