Your Heart's Power: Toroidal Field & Psychic Abilities Explained

Your Heart's Power: Toroidal Field & Psychic Abilities Explained

Hi, I'm Metztli Wolf. I'm a professional psychic AND spirit medium.

If we haven't met before, welcome to where my chaotic AuDHD brain goes when I'm supposed to be relaxing, watching TV with my partner. The other night I couldn't stop thinking about how mediums specifically (not all psychics are mediums) tend to have heart health issues, and why I feel like most people don't understand the impact mediumship (like any job) has on your body. Everything, and I mean everything in this 3 dimensional world, comes with a price. So, how could I explain and prove the cost of mediumship?

Furthermore, I wanted to demonstrate with science that it takes a special kind of relationship with one's heart to do mediumship, and do it WELL.

Because New Age spiritualists these days love to say "everyone is psychic" or "anyone can do mediumship", which is IMHO is at-best a loving-intended thought, but also a spiritual platitude that light-washes over the nuances of neurodiversity, ability and capability, not to mention aptitude, the evolution of the soul, sacred roles and ancestry. 😬

I don't know what colonial, people-pleasing delusion those spiritualists are under, but it'd be like saying "everyone is hearing" or "anyone can see with their eyes". Simply not true, and that's fine.

The universe isn't that black and white, and nature is infinitely diverse. From where I sit, a more honest blanket-statement would be "many people have varying degrees of natural psychic ability" and "many people are able to strengthen their psychic skills, but not everyone has the same psychic capacity or ability threshold", as well as "many people can communicate with Spirit in their own way, but not everyone can perform Mediumship or have what it takes to become a professional. And like other aspects of our being, some people carry a natural aptitude for Mediumship."

The same is also true for TYPES of Mediumship. Not everyone excels at psychometry, or trance mediumship etc no matter how much practice or education they have. Because natural diversity.

Some people can take as many cooking classes as they want and still burn water. Not everyone's path is to be as skilled as chef Gordon Ramsey or Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo. My advice is to strive for your personal psychic best and radical self-acceptance.

As a medium who LOVES science, especially noetic science, quantum physics, and parapsychology, I had to try to get to the bottom of WHY and how that is. As well as what we mediums can do to strengthen that heart-mind-spirit world relationship, while reducing harm to our bodies. Let's explore the heart and what science applies when striving for our personal psychic best..

The Heart: More Than a Muscle, It’s a Magnet

The human heart, traditionally viewed as a muscular organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, is increasingly recognized as much more than just a physical pump. Scientific and noetic studies have uncovered that the heart possesses its own intrinsic intelligence, operating as a powerful electromagnetic organ that influences not only our physical health but also our emotional and spiritual well-being. This article delves into the heart's magnetic nature, its connection to spirit mediumship, and how the heart’s magnetic field plays a crucial role in psychic abilities.

The Heart as a Magnet: The Science Behind the Heart’s Electromagnetic Field

The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field in the human body. According to the HeartMath Institute, the heart’s magnetic field is about 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain and can be detected several feet away from the body. This field is not just a byproduct of the heart's electrical activity; it is integral to the body’s energy systems, influencing other organs and interacting with the environment.

The heart’s electromagnetic field is believed to play a key role in communication within the body, particularly between the heart and the brain. This bi-directional communication is crucial for regulating physiological processes, but it also extends to emotional and cognitive functions, influencing how we feel, think, perceive and behave.

Heart Health and Spirit Mediumship: A Vital Connection

Spirit mediums, who have the ability to connect with non-physical entities and energies, often report experiencing heart-related health issues. These issues may be linked to the significant energetic demands placed on the heart during the channeling process.

Channeling, or mediumship, involves tuning into higher frequencies, which can strain the heart's electromagnetic field, potentially leading to physical symptoms like arrhythmias, palpitations, or other cardiovascular conditions.

Channeling utilizes the heart’s magnetic field in conjunction with frequency shifts in brainwaves, particularly intentionally shifting the brain to the theta and gamma ranges, which are associated with deep meditation and heightened states of consciousness. The combination of these elements allows mediums to align their energy with that of non-physical beings, who naturally vibrate at higher frequencies due to their lack of physical matter. This energetic alignment, however, can be taxing on the heart, as it requires the heart to operate at a heightened electromagnetic capacity.

The Heart’s Magnetic Field and Psychic Abilities

Emerging research suggests that the strength of the heart’s magnetic field may directly correlate with an individual's psychic and mediumship abilities. The HeartMath Institute’s studies indicate that individuals who cultivate a state of heart coherence—where the heart’s rhythms become more ordered and harmonious—often experience enhanced intuitive abilities. This state of coherence amplifies the heart’s magnetic field, making it a more powerful tool for accessing non-physical information and energies.

Mediums who have a naturally strong heart magnetic field, or who actively work to strengthen it through practices such as meditation, breathwork, and heart-focused techniques, often report more profound and accurate psychic experiences.

The theory is that a stronger heart magnetic field acts as a more sensitive receiver and transmitter of subtle energies, enabling clearer communication with non-physical entities.

In validating this theory, a study published in the "Journal of Scientific Exploration" found that individuals who reported frequent psychic experiences also showed higher levels of heart coherence and stronger heart rate variability (HRV), a measure closely related to the strength and resilience of the heart’s magnetic field. This suggests that the heart's magnetic field is not just a passive background force but an active component in the process of mediumship.

Implications for Mediums and Psychic Practitioners

For spirit mediums and those involved in psychic practices, understanding the role of the heart’s magnetic field is crucial for both their physical health and their spiritual work. Strengthening the heart’s magnetic field through regular heart coherence practices may not only enhance mediumship abilities but also protect the heart from the energetic strain associated with channeling.

Additionally, mediums should be mindful of the physical demands of their work, recognizing that prolonged or intense sessions (like platform mediumship, or going on tours) may require more focused heart care. Regular cardiovascular check-ups, a balanced diet, and practices that promote heart health can help mitigate the risks associated with the energetic demands of mediumship.

The Heart as a Gateway to Higher Frequencies

The heart is far more than a muscle—it is a powerful magnet that plays a critical role in our ability to connect with higher frequencies and non-physical entities. By understanding and nurturing the heart’s magnetic field, spirit mediums can enhance their abilities while maintaining their physical health. As research in both scientific and noetic fields continues to grow, the connection between the heart’s electromagnetic field and psychic abilities may become an increasingly important area of study, offering new insights into the mysteries of the human spirit and its connection to the unseen world.


Enhancing the Heart’s Magnetic Field: Practices for Mediums and Psychics

Strengthening the heart’s magnetic field is not only beneficial for overall cardiovascular health but also for enhancing psychic and mediumship abilities. By amplifying the heart’s electromagnetic output, you can increase your sensitivity to subtle energies and improve the clarity of your spiritual communications. Here are some practices that can help you boost your heart’s magnetic field:

1. Heart Coherence Meditation

  • Practice: Spend 5-10 minutes daily focusing on your heart center. Imagine breathing in and out through your heart, and cultivate feelings of love, gratitude, and compassion.
  • Benefit: This practice promotes heart coherence, where the heart's rhythms become more harmonious, increasing the strength of the magnetic field and improving emotional resilience.

2. Breathwork

  • Practice: Engage in deep, rhythmic breathing exercises such as diaphragmatic breathing or pranayama. Focus on slow, deep breaths that fill your lungs completely.
  • Benefit: Breathwork helps regulate the autonomic nervous system, reduces stress, and enhances heart rate variability (HRV), which is closely linked to the strength of the heart’s electromagnetic field.

3. Nutrient Dense Foods

  • Practice: Incorporate heart-healthy foods into your diet, such as leafy greens, berries, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid processed foods, processed or excessive sugar, and trans fats.
  • Benefit: A nutritious diet supports cardiovascular health and optimizes the function of the heart, contributing to a more robust electromagnetic field.

4. Physical Activity

  • Practice: Engage in regular aerobic exercise like walking, swimming, or cycling for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. If these aren't accessible to you, you might try my current favorite, rebounding! Which NASA says is as effective as running or aerobics but in less time and with less impact on your joints. Or, work with an access-centered movement specialist to find what works best to elevate your heart-rate for your body.
  • Benefit: Physical activity strengthens the heart muscle, improves circulation, and enhances the heart's electromagnetic field by increasing heart rate variability. Movement also improves lymphatic drainage, which helps maintain immune system health, as well as emotional/hormonal regulation. Essential for empaths, clairesentients, and mediums.

5. Emotional Balance

  • Practice: Work on maintaining emotional balance through practices like journaling, counseling, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and peace.
  • Benefit: Emotional states like love, joy, and peace have been shown to amplify the heart’s magnetic field, while negative emotions can diminish it. I find that doing overnight castor oil liver packs help release stuck and "negative" emotions.

6. Grounding Practices

  • Practice: Spend time in nature, walk barefoot on the earth, or practice grounding techniques like earthing mats.
  • Benefit: Grounding helps balance the body’s electrical system, reducing inflammation and supporting the heart’s electromagnetic output.

7. Visualization Techniques

  • Practice: Visualize a strong, radiant light emanating from your heart, expanding outward with each breath. Imagine this light connecting you to higher frequencies and non-physical realms. Ex: "sitting in the power" exercises.
  • Benefit: Visualization can help focus and amplify your heart’s magnetic field, making it a more effective tool in psychic and mediumship work.

8. Sound Therapy

  • Practice: Use sound therapy tools such as singing bowls, tuning forks, or listening to binaural beats tuned to frequencies that resonate with the heart, like 432 Hz.
  • Benefit: Sound therapy can harmonize the heart's rhythms and enhance its electromagnetic field, making it easier to connect with higher vibrational energies.

9. Mindfulness and Presence

  • Practice: Practice being fully present in the moment during your daily activities, paying close attention to your body, breath, and environment.
  • Benefit: Mindfulness reduces stress and anxiety, which can otherwise weaken the heart’s magnetic field, and helps in maintaining a strong, coherent heart rhythm.

10. Laughter and Joy

  • Practice: Make time for activities that bring you laughter and joy, such as spending time with loved ones, watching comedies, being playful and silly, or engaging in hobbies you love.
  • Benefit: Laughter has been shown to boost heart health and improve heart rate variability, directly contributing to a stronger magnetic field

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can strengthen your heart’s magnetic field, which in turn can enhance your efficiency and effectiveness as a psychic or medium. A strong heart magnetic field not only supports your physical health but also serves as a powerful tool for connecting with non-physical beings and accessing higher frequencies. Remember, the heart is a gateway to the spiritual realms, and by nurturing it, you enhance your ability to navigate those realms with clarity and strength.

What Happens in the Brain, Heart, and Body During Spirit Channeling: A Basic Breakdown

But First; The Difference Between Channeling and Mediumship

Channeling is the process of receiving and conveying information or energy from a non-physical source, which could be a higher self, spirit guide, or universal consciousness. Mediumship, a specific type of channeling, involves communicating with spirits of the deceased or other non-physical entities.

While all mediumship is a form of channeling, not all channeling involves communicating with spirits.

Mediumship is distinct because it focuses specifically on connecting with and relaying messages from spirits, whereas other types of channeling may involve accessing different types of higher knowledge or energy not tied to spirit communication.

When psychics or mediums channel spirit, their bodies undergo distinct physiological changes. These changes occur in the brain, heart, and body as they connect with higher frequencies and energies. Scientific studies, though still in their early stages, have begun to shed light on these phenomena. Here’s a breakdown of what happens in each part of the body when someone is channeling:

1. Brain: Shifts in Brainwave Activity

One of the most notable changes occurs in the brain, particularly in the patterns of brainwave activity.

  • Brainwave Shifts: During channeling, psychics and mediums often exhibit increased activity in theta and gamma brainwaves. Theta waves (4-8 Hz) are associated with deep meditation, intuition, and access to the subconscious mind, while gamma waves (30-100 Hz) are linked to higher cognitive functions, information processing, and heightened awareness.

    • Scientific Example: A study published in the journal Explore found that mediums in a state of trance had increased theta wave activity, which is typically associated with states of deep meditation and altered consciousness. This suggests that mediums may access different states of awareness while channeling, facilitating communication with non-physical entities .
  • Changes in the Frontal Cortex: The frontal cortex, responsible for critical thinking and decision-making, often shows reduced activity during deep states of channeling. This suggests that mediums might temporarily suspend their analytical mind, allowing for more intuitive and spontaneous experiences.

    • Scientific Example: Research published in NeuroImage observed that the frontal cortex activity decreased in individuals performing automatic writing—a form of mediumship. This reduced activity supports the idea that during channeling, mediums may rely less on conscious thought and more on intuitive, subconscious processes .

2. Heart: Enhanced Coherence and Electromagnetic Field Changes

The heart plays a critical role in the process of channeling, as it not only maintains physical function but also acts as an energetic bridge to higher frequencies.

  • Heart Coherence: Mediums often enter a state of heart coherence during channeling, where the heart’s rhythms become highly ordered and harmonious. This state is associated with positive emotional states like love, compassion, and deep focus.

    • Scientific Example: The HeartMath Institute has conducted studies showing that heart coherence leads to a stronger and more stable electromagnetic field. This field is believed to enhance the medium's ability to connect with higher vibrational energies and spirit entities .
  • Electromagnetic Field Fluctuations: During channeling, the heart’s electromagnetic field can expand and become more dynamic. This field, which is the strongest in the body, may act as a tuning mechanism, helping the medium align with the frequencies of the spirit world. These are higher frequencies than the physical world, due to the lack of being slowed or weighed down by physical matter.

    • Scientific Example: A study found that individuals with higher levels of heart coherence had greater access to intuitive insights and reported more frequent psychic experiences. This suggests that the heart’s electromagnetic field plays a crucial role in facilitating mediumship .

3. Body: Physiological Responses and Energetic Sensitivity

The body as a whole undergoes various physiological changes during spirit channeling, reflecting the deep connection between mind, body, and spirit.

  • Physiological Calmness: Despite the heightened brain and heart activity, many mediums report feeling a deep sense of calm and relaxation during channeling. This may be due to the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes rest and recovery.

    • Scientific Example: Studies on meditation and similar practices show a reduction in cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and a decrease in blood pressure during states of deep relaxation. Mediums in a channeling state often exhibit these same physiological markers, suggesting a deepened state of calmness and focus .
  • Energetic Sensitivity: Mediums often describe heightened sensitivity to the environment and the energies around them. This increased sensitivity may be linked to subtle changes in the body’s electromagnetic field, making the medium more receptive to non-physical energies.

    • Scientific Example: Research into the biofield—a term used to describe the body’s energy field—suggests that individuals engaged in energy work, including mediums, may have more pronounced or responsive biofields. This heightened sensitivity allows them to perceive and interact with energies that are not typically accessible in ordinary states of consciousness.

The Psychic Brain: Is it Right-Brain Dominant?

As research continues, we may uncover even more about the intricate processes that make mediumship possible.The idea of "right-brain" and "left-brain" dominance has been a popular way to describe differences in cognitive styles, with the right brain often associated with creativity, intuition, and holistic thinking, while the left brain is linked to logic, analytical thinking, and language. However, the notion that individuals are strictly right-brain or left-brain dominant is an oversimplification, as modern neuroscience shows that both hemispheres of the brain work together in a highly integrated manner.

Right-Brain Thinking and Heart Communication

That said, people who are more intuitive, creative, and emotionally expressive—traits traditionally associated with right-brain thinking—might have an enhanced ability to process what could be described as "heart communications" for a few reasons:

  1. Intuition and Emotional Awareness: Right-brain thinking is often linked to greater emotional awareness and intuition. Individuals with these traits may be more attuned to the subtle signals from the heart, such as the emotional information encoded in heart rate variability (HRV) and the coherence of the heart’s electromagnetic field. Research from the HeartMath Institute suggests that individuals who are more emotionally aware and intuitive are better at achieving heart coherence, which enhances communication between the heart and brain.

  2. Holistic Processing: The right hemisphere is known for its ability to process information holistically, rather than in a linear, analytical fashion. This holistic processing could make it easier for right-brain thinkers to perceive and integrate the complex and often non-linear signals that come from the heart, especially those related to intuition and deep emotional states.

  3. Creativity and Nonlinear Thinking: People who engage in creative and nonlinear thinking may be more open to experiences that transcend the purely logical or analytical, such as heart-based intuition. This openness can make them more receptive to the subtle communications that originate from the heart's electromagnetic field, which might be interpreted as intuitive insights or gut feelings.

Psychic Ability Utilizes Both Brain Hemispheres

While these connections are intriguing, it’s important to note that the scientific community generally views the right-brain/left-brain dichotomy as an oversimplified model. Current understanding suggests that both hemispheres are involved in most cognitive processes, including those related to emotion, intuition, and creativity.

However, there is evidence to suggest that certain types of cognitive and emotional processing, which could be seen as aligned with right-brain characteristics, do play a role in how we perceive and process signals from the heart:

  • Interhemispheric Communication: Studies show that effective communication between the brain’s hemispheres is crucial for processing complex emotional and intuitive information. This suggests that while one hemisphere may specialize in certain types of processing, the integration of both is necessary for fully understanding and utilizing heart communications.

  • Heart-Brain Synchronization: Research from the HeartMath Institute highlights the importance of heart-brain synchronization. This synchronization is enhanced when individuals experience positive emotions, which are often processed more in the right hemisphere. This could suggest that those with a more dominant right-brain style might find it easier to enter states of heart coherence, where heart-brain communication is most effective.

While the concept of being a "right-brain thinker" does have some bearing on the ability to process heart communications, it’s not a clear-cut relationship.

People who are more intuitive, emotionally aware, and holistic in their thinking may indeed find it easier to tune into the heart’s signals, but this ability is more about the integration of both hemispheres rather than dominance of one.

The brain’s ability to process heart communications involves a complex interplay of emotional, cognitive, and physiological factors that transcend simple right-brain/left-brain distinctions. Again, reflecting that nothing is truly black and white.

 Metztli, WTF is the Toroidal Field?!

The toroidal field is a donut-shaped (torus) energy field that exists around many natural systems, including the human body, the Earth, and even galaxies. This field is characterized by energy flowing in through one pole, circulating around the center, and exiting through the other pole, creating a continuous loop.

Key Characteristics of the Toroidal Field:

  • Shape and Flow: The toroidal field is shaped like a torus, a three-dimensional geometric figure that resembles a donut. The energy moves in a spiraling pattern, entering through the top, circulating around the center, and exiting through the bottom (or vice versa), creating a self-sustaining loop.

  • Human Body: In the context of the human body, the toroidal field is often associated with the heart's electromagnetic field. The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field in the body, and this field extends several feet beyond the body, forming a torus shape. The concept suggests that this field is integral to our health, emotional state, and spiritual experiences, acting as a bridge between the physical and subtle bodies.

  • Earth’s Magnetic Field: The Earth also has a toroidal magnetic field, which is generated by the movement of molten iron in its outer core. This field protects the planet from solar radiation and cosmic rays, and it influences everything from weather patterns to animal navigation.

  • Spiritual and Metaphysical Significance: In metaphysical and noetic sciences, the toroidal field is often seen as a fundamental structure of the universe, representing the flow of energy that sustains life. It's thought to be a blueprint for the way energy moves in all living systems, and understanding it can lead to insights about consciousness, healing, and the interconnectedness of all things.

The concept of the toroidal field integrates physics, biology, and spirituality, offering a holistic view of how energy circulates within and around living beings and systems.

The Role of the Toroidal Field in Psychic Abilities

The toroidal field, with its unique shape and flow of energy, plays a vital role in psychic abilities. This energy field, particularly when generated by the human heart, serves as a powerful conduit for connecting with and interpreting subtle energies, which are essential for psychic perception.

1. Energy Circulation and Intuition

The toroidal field's continuous loop of energy circulation allows for the constant exchange of information between an individual and their environment. This dynamic flow makes it possible for psychics to sense and interpret energy patterns beyond the ordinary physical realm. When the toroidal field is strong and coherent, it enhances a person’s ability to tap into intuitive insights, perceive non-physical entities, and access higher levels of consciousness.

  • Heart’s Electromagnetic Field as a Medium: The heart’s toroidal field is the most powerful electromagnetic field in the body, extending several feet beyond the physical form. This field not only influences our own emotional and physical state but also interacts with the energy fields of others. For psychics and mediums, this interaction can provide essential information about the emotions, thoughts, and even spirits connected to other people or spaces.

2. Alignment with Universal Energies

The toroidal field is believed to be a fundamental pattern in the universe, seen in everything from atoms to galaxies. This alignment with a universal energy structure means that the human toroidal field can resonate with and tap into the broader energies of the cosmos. For psychics, this resonance is key to accessing higher knowledge, channeling information from the spiritual realm, and understanding complex energetic dynamics that transcend the physical world.

  • Conduit for Spirit Communication: In mediumship, the heart’s toroidal field acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. The coherent energy of a well-aligned toroidal field can attract and resonate with the higher vibrational frequencies of spirit beings. This resonance allows mediums to channel messages and insights from the spirit world more clearly and accurately.

3. Self-Sustaining Energy for Psychic Work

The toroidal field's self-sustaining nature ensures that energy is continually refreshed and circulated. This perpetual flow is crucial for maintaining the energy levels needed for psychic work, which can be energetically demanding. A strong and balanced toroidal field provides a stable foundation for psychic activities, enabling sustained focus and reducing the risk of energetic burnout.

  • Enhanced Psychic Sensitivity: A coherent and strong toroidal field enhances a psychic’s sensitivity to subtle energies. This heightened sensitivity allows for deeper and more nuanced readings, whether they involve sensing auras, receiving intuitive flashes, or communicating with spirits. The field’s ability to filter and process these energies helps psychics discern meaningful information from the energetic noise around them.

The Toroidal Field as a Foundation for Psychic Ability

My Conclusion: The toroidal field is more than just an energy pattern; it is a vital component of psychic ability.

By facilitating the flow of energy, aligning with universal forces, and providing a self-sustaining energy source, the toroidal field underpins and enhances a psychic's capacity to perceive and interact with the non-physical world. Understanding and nurturing this field can significantly amplify one’s psychic abilities, making it a crucial aspect of spiritual development and mediumship.

Gives a whole new meaning to "Listen to/Follow your heart" and understanding to why "Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe" is a thing, don't it? 😜

Thank you for reading.

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